The future of Technology 2010.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Power of Agreement

When you hired your employees you formed an agreement that you would compensate them for their service of employment. Your employees agreed to the set of responsibilities that go along with their position. You explained the vision of the company and gave them the employee handbook in which they must govern themselves while at work. How much further did you take this agreement between you and your employees? Are they still in tuned with the vision of the company? Are you still holding up your part of the agreement? Sometimes we forget that the relationships we have with our employees is more important then the compensation. Everyone wants their life to have meaning. We all want to be part of something. We want to feel useful. Its no different from your employees. They want to know that they are being effective and contributing to the success of the company. No matter which position an employee holds from an executive to an associate all are contributing to the vision. Make sure that you and your employees are in agreement with the vision of the company, for its success depends on the power of agreement.

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