The future of Technology 2010.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Childhood Entrepreneurship

Cameron Johnson talks about how he was able to build businesses through his childhood.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I know that we are a consuming nation. It seems the more stuff we accumulate, the more important we become. However, in doing business God's way, giving is a significant factor to success. The truth is that no one ever received something great without giving something costly. The greatest business leaders are successful because they are willing to take great risks despite the costs. What are you willing to give up in order to see your dreams manifest? Are you willing to give up that very thing that is the most precious to you? Is immediate satisfaction more important to you than long-term rewards? We were born to give. Many of the greatest philanthropists would tell you that the act of giving produces an unexplainable satisfaction and contentment. They would tell you that there is no cost that can replace that feeling. Giving lets us know that we are connected to a purpose that is greater than ourselves and that purpose involves our neighbors. We need one another to thrive. My success depends on your success. The world measures success through gain but true success God's way is knowing that you have helped to empower others with the resources God has entrusted to you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Call of the Entrepreneur

Create Your Day!

Just because the weather is bad or situations around you look bad does not necessarily mean that you will have a "bad" day. How do you want your day to turn out? You decide. You are in control of your own thoughts and perceptions. Do you choose to think on all that has gone wrong today or do you choose to focus your attention on all that is great and good today? You cannot always control your outward circumstances but your mind - that you can control! Try taking notes on what you find yourself thinking about? Are the majority of them on your future goals and aspirations? Your thoughts determine, who you are, where you are, and where you want to be in life. Since God has his plan for your life mapped out already, wouldn't it be great to meditate on his words to you so that your destination becomes that very place where He wants you to be? That place is not necessarily "heaven". Sorry folks. That place is a place of success not only in business but in every area of your life.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A New Thing

The year 2009 began with an economic deficit in the trillions, companies going bankrupt, unemployment skyrocketing, and the list goes on and on. Amidst this, we saw the beginning of new things springing up including the inauguration of our first black president with a new hope and the branding of the slogans "Yes We Can" and "Change". The world is always evolving. We are always evolving. I say all of this to say that it is time to accept new things. If we are living in the past and dwelling on old ways of doing things, how can we find new solutions and accept new beginnings? We cannot face new challenges with old mindsets.

Creative people are popping up everywhere. They have opened their minds to possibilities, opportunities, and innovation that has long been stifled in the day-to-day mundane activities of corporate America. Have you recently suffered a job loss? Take this opportunity to pursue your life's purpose and passion. Why not go for your dreams? You have planted your precious time and skills into someone else's vision (a.k.a. your boss) now turn that dedication and hard work into what you really desire for yourself, your family, and others. Get the blueprint for your business ideas from a God who created you and understands what you were designed to do in life. Remember that things will never be the same again. Let go of the past and create a new exciting future.