The future of Technology 2010.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Does every business owner or executive need to have accountability? Are shareholders and board of directors the only people that executives are accountable to? What about the employees and customers? How are business owners and executives accountable to employees and customers? Have one of your employees every came to you with a issue? How did you handle the issue? Did you take care of the issue right away? Did you put it off or did you let someone else solve the issue? Have one of your customers ever come to you with an issue? Did you solve that issue right away or did you give a quick fix to the issue?

Accountability is sometimes a hard thing to accept. Being accountable requires accepting responsibility even when your ego or reputation is on the line. Accountability is admitting when you're wrong. When in a leadership position accountability may require you to be held accountable for something one of your employees may have done.

Being accountable builds character. Character builds trust between you, your employees, and customers. Trust builds strong relationships. Strong relationships creates low turnover rates with employees and referrals from your customers which in turn builds a successful business.

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