The future of Technology 2010.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Opportunity

I am sure all of us are familiar with opportunities. Maybe we are waiting for the one big opportunity or a few small opportunities. The point is an opportunity is an opportunity. What happens when an opportunity comes not looking like you expected.
Do you close your mind to it or do you examine all of its possibilities.

When Elijah was sitting under the juniper tree maybe he wasn't looking for the raven to be his opportunity that would bring him food. Maybe he was looking for a person to bring him food. What about the opportunity that Moses needed when he was trying to find out how to counsel the children of Israel. He probably thought that God would call him to the mount again to speak with him. But this opportunity came through Moses father-in-law who wasn't from the tribe of Israel.

Remember, open up your mind to the endless possibilities that God has for you. Stop being stubborn just because it's not happening how you want or expect it to. Let God do what he does and rest and trust in his unlimited abundant supply of opportunities.

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