The future of Technology 2010.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Makes an Effective Leader

A leader must be teachable. If a leader decides that he/she knows everything and can't be taught he/she has already cut off his/her growth. Servant hood, is a word that is not that often used with leadership. Jesus told his disciples that he came not to be served but to serve. Wow, thats a powerful concept. Humility and servant hood goes together. Humility doesn't mean that you are a push over, it just means that you don't think more of yourself than you need to. Understanding your dependence upon God. Serving your customers and employees will let them know that you have their best interest at heart. This will also establish loyalty, which is not to common in the fast pace world we live in. Everyone wants their own needs met first. When you put others need before yours this takes away selfishness. In doing this you are showing God that you trust him and know that he will always meet your need.

Go that extra mile to meet the needs of your customers and employees and watch the effects it will have on their lives and your bottom line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that leaders of today should have an open mind to increase their effectivity and efficiency in their duties but only up to a point that their authority is not undermined.

I believe that believe in God makes a person have the right perspective in work ; as a member of a community and as a member of God's church.

- Gaga
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